mercredi 18 mai 2011

French touch

Belmondo était à Cannes il y a quelques jours...

J'ai trouvé cet article dans Vice magazine qui résume bien l'homme et sa carrière:

"Jean-Paul Belmondo has received in Cannes the award celebrating his career in the film industry. But Jean-Paul Belmondo is more than just an actor. Through his life he has become an icon. Specifically, a style icon. He was the leading face of French New Wave, the one who shaped himself after Humphrey Bogart (and so called the French Bogart). His irreverent look is kind of undone, but very styled. The thing is that he looks effortless. But is it effortless? Not if we had to repeat it, nevertheless nothing is out of place but nothing looks like required to much thinking. In these years of retro style coming at the cutting edge of cool, he’s one of those to look at first. His perfect imperfection as shown in life and on stage in Jean-Luc Godard's “Breathless” film is legendary. Tonight the Croisette will celebrate the carreer of 78 years old Belmondo with an exclusive dinner followed by a party and a projection of a film that will summarize the best moments in life of this movie star (and fashion hero)."

mardi 10 mai 2011

Parcel from France

Don't understand how australians can live without Haribo !(maybe because they have Tim Tam huh?)

Haribo c'est beau la vie

jeudi 5 mai 2011


"I saw every picture. I looked into the faces of all those Aboriginal people and it was sad. I started questioning the photographer's role. It changed my life and the way I viewed pictures." Ricky Maynard

Ricky Maynard is an indigenous photographer who came to prominence in 1988 with a photo essay on Aboriginal Mutton bird farmers. An important aspect of Maynard's work is to leave proof about indigenous people where it has previously been absent or distorted

mercredi 4 mai 2011


I think Centre Place is one of my favorite street in Melbourne, full of graffiti, diverse food, and great coffee chai. But there is a place in particular I really love: the Aix café creperie salon.In my country (Brittany) I use to eat very often yummy crêpes, so it's really nice (and rare) when I find a good creperie in a foreign area.
It's a very tiny café creperie, with tables just big enough to fit a plate,where you can taste as well sandwiches made with good french baguette.

lundi 2 mai 2011

Chai latté

Le Chai latté et moi c'est une grande histoire d'amour!

Ce thé épicé que l'on trouve à l'origine dans n'importe quel bouiboui en Inde à été repris ici, et si bien qu'on en trouve dans tous les cafés, à consommer sur place ou à emporter.
Au lieu de prendre un cappuccino, boisson plutôt commune en Europe, et bien ici on prend un Chai latté, et c'est tellement plus hype!
Plus sérieusement c'est vraiment bon, surtout avec de la canelle et un peu de miel.Une bonne alternative au thé Earl grey de grand mère et au café que je n'aime pas.
A quand le Chai en Europe?

Crêpe + Chai: to me it's the best!

dimanche 1 mai 2011

Brighton Beach

Enfin j'ai pu admirer les fameux cabanons en bois de Middle Brighton beach, un petit côté anglais avec des couleurs plus toniques!